I woke up at 5 am, got in the shower and then grabbed a monster coffee (yes I know, so horrible for you) and headed out the door to drive towards Richmond!
On the entire way up I kept repeating to myself…. this will be good, this will be great because I was just so nervous to sit down with her and hear what she had to say. Nervous in a good way though but still, I kept repeating all the excuses I tell myself why I haven’t really gone after this as a full time (hard core) business yet. And I just knew Katelyn James would call me on it!
I was the first coaching session of the day so we sat in her fabulous office and just chatting about life and photography and how to balance the two. We talked about how to successfully run a business and letting the business work for you. Most importantly though, we talked about finding a new perspective on pursuing this… a perspective without guilt and without the hesitation that comes along with fear!
The time just flew by with her one on one but it was truly amazing and incredibly helpful. We met up with Terri and sat down to lunch with Katelyn’s husband Michael (who is also fantastic!) And then Terri, Katelyn and I went out shooting!
I learned that location isn’t all about the pretty scenery! You don’t have to have an amazing spot in order to get beautiful, amazing pictures. Sometimes you can just shoot in a parking garage and they look phenomenal! (Which was kind of impressive considering it was like THE hottest day of the year!)
I drove home feeling inspired, overwhelmed and excited. As I drove back, I reflected on something that Katelyn said that not only overwhelmed me but also motivated me! She told me that some photographers spend the money on these coaching sessions because they truly do want her advice and want to hear what she has to say, but then they go home and nothing changes.
I did not want to be one of those photographers! So A and I have been working so hard over here to really get my business in shape and do it in a way that honors the advice Katelyn gave me AND also works for our family right now!
I’ve rolled on the new blog (obviously since you’re reading it!) and I’m working on a more professional website as we speak!
I’m taking 1 session a week and sticking to it this time! I’m also totally set up and scheduled for consistent blog posts!
I am learning that I can do this and spend the time with Linc and A that I want to! I can still share all the special moments of my clients AND have plenty of time for the special moments I share with my family!
It IS balance… but it’s an achievable balance!
The wonderful Katelyn James! If you haven’t met her on her blog… go there NOW!
Meet Terri! Katelyn’s other photographer to coach that day! She is a wedding photographer that travels pretty much ALL over VA!