Meet the J family! We spent Sunday morning together chasing bubbles and rain drops! Luckily the rain gave us a nice little break…just enough time to walk around for some family photos!
This story starts a little ways back though, in December when I met Angie at the spa. (Yes I know, it’s sounds pretty fabulous doesn’t it?!)
We were both sitting in those wonderful massage chairs having a pedicure, chatting away with our girls when we both realized we were there under the same amazing circumstances! You see, both of our sweetheart husbands had surprised us with a day at the spa! We both woke up, both were taken by surprised and sent away to be pampered while the men had the babes for the day!
We chatted for a little while and found out we were pretty much meant to be BFF’s and why in the heck had we not met sooner?! And that is the truth my friends… you know when you meet someone and you just realize in an instant that they were 100% meant to have a place in your life. That is Angie: she just fills this space in my heart (and Link’s too) where it just feels like she’s always been there and will always be there! Instant connection!
So I feel pretty honored to have been able to capture such a special friend’s family photos!
I was super excited Sunday when I woke up… until I walked out the door and felt the nice little spitting of rain. Angie and her hubby were such great sports though and drove out to meet me so we could pray for a break in the rain. We sat for about 20 minutes debating on what to do since the weather seemed to be doing the same (spit, pour, stop, repeat!)
We ended up driving over to our location anyway and thank goodness we did because it was perfect!
Check out some of the photos from our morning!
Beautiful momma and baby!
Hadley is planning on cheering for the Dallas cowboys… I think she’s getting some great practice in as a flyer!
These guys have model face Down!!!!
Isn’t Hadley gorgeous?! (And did I mention that she was Link’s first kiss!!)
Thank you guys so much for spending your morning with me! You guys completely rocked it and Hadley was a little super star!
I can’t wait to see what we can come up with (and get into) as both our babes grow!
I’ve got to get a copy of this. I’m so proud of you and your ability to make pictures come alive. This is awesome!