brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Goals and Hair Braids

The past two days I’ve been subbing at my son’s school! I love being able to sub because unlike last year, I can pop in and out when it feels good (without the burn out or the emotional attachment of the enneagram 2 that I am). Plus bonus: I get to teach in all different […]

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finding community in photography

Stuck at the Airport….

It always starts out pretty exciting right?! When you get to travel somewhere new and go on an adventure. At least if you are like me it does; I don’t travel very often and especially not by myself so you can imagine the panic that set in when I was traveling home from a photography […]

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How to capture Family Connection on your next family photo session!

The first thing I tell my clients when they step out of their car and meet me at the session is to take a deep breath! I tell them that their NUMBER ONE JOB is to play with their kids! I squat down and smile and tell the kiddos that their number one job is […]

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5 reasons to schedule your mini session in early summer



brooke tucker