There’s a commercial that I love that was created by Similac… it’s kind of amazing ya’ll! It really speaks to the heart of my hearts when it comes to this motherhood thing! It begins in a park where all these different “types” of mother’s come together! I won’t explain it because I’m going to post […]
Happy Thursday everyone! Can I just take a moment to ask everyone for a collective deep breath?! One… Two… Three… AHHHH! Ok, now I feel MUCH better! This morning has been quite the morning around here! I’ll give you the brief run down instead of the long winded run down which you can read over on the […]
On my drive back from Lexington, Va this past week, I took that 4 hours to really reflect on my heart! There has been a lot of things on my heart lately and it has been GOOD friends… soo many good things! There’s something about driving and the silence and rhythm of the drive that allows you […]