brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Finding Balance and July Goals

Talk to anyone this time of year with summer in full swing and they will say the days are crazy!  The BEST kind of crazy but they are crazy!  The days are filled with sunshine until the late hours in the evening!  The pools and oceans are warm and the sunscreen calls my name as it […]

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In the Bag: What’s inside my camera bag

It’s with me swinging from my body kind of haphazardly the entire session!  I stuff a million things in there including some of my clients possessions!  I’ve been able to pull things from it that a client of mine once referred to it as the mary poppins bag of tricks! I’m often asked what’s inside […]

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Take Better Pictures of your kids: Laughter

Field of Dreams:  think of it when you start to say these words to your children…”say cheese!” Stop… take a moment, a breath even!  Stop and think of the line in Field of Dreams…”If you build it, they will come!” It’s the same way with the natural smile and the natural laugh we all want to see in our […]

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brooke tucker