brooke tucker

photography where play and magic meet true hearted connection

Holy Moly Camden is 6 months!

I can’t believe that 6 months ago, I was standing in the hospital room with Alli and Brent with happy tears streaming down my face photographing their little bundle of joy!  I mean, to me it seems like just yesterday that this adorable little guy made his big entrance into the world! But now ya’ll…  […]

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Florida child and family photographer brooke tucker

At home with Alistair Benjamin, Pete the Cat and story time!

  There is absolutely nothing more intimate, nothing more beautiful, nothing more fun and one hundred percent more comfortable and relaxing than having your first family photos with your new little one taken in your home surrounded by love and laughter! This is exactly how it was when I walked over to Ashleigh’s house one Saturday morning […]

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Comfortable in home Lifestyle newborn photography by brooke tucker photography

Carter Ryan

I feel so blessed to have been able to capture this sweet time for Jess and Ryan! We were all patiently waiting Mr. Carter’s arrival so when I finally got the call to come over for some photos, I was just over the moon!  Jess and Ryan are seriously the most at ease parents I […]

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Carter Ryan Lifestyel Newborn Photography by Brooke Tucker



brooke tucker