Happy Monday afternoon Friends and Mother’s! Happy Motherhood Monday!
How is your Monday going so far?! I have to admit that I didn’t get myself together this morning. I did… in one sense. I was a mama, a good one! I got up and I had my coffee (which was spilt all over the couch and the floor by the way) and I spent the morning with my boys before the big one had to go off to work! I played trains with my little one in which spidey took over the train and blasted it off to the North Pole where it did goodness knows what! I made a somewhat healthy breakfast before it was “goldfish time” and yes there is in fact a goldfish time in our house! I try to hold off because I don’t want to believe that goldfish is a breakfast food, but goodness my 4 year old loves those little fish crackers and he would eat them all day long if I let him, morning noon and night!I guess what I’m trying to say is that this morning I rocked the motherhood world! We went to the park, we ate a great lunch and I feel good about where I stand on the motherhood front! That means though… that I did not do so well on the business side of things, which is why I”m just now sitting down at 1:30 pm to write this blog post that I probably should have written yesterday but I didn’t because I wanted to take some time just for myself! I wanted to take care of me for a little bit and guess what: I don’t feel the least bit bad about that!That brings me here: What are we doing as mother’s for ourselves this season to keep us balanced?
This is something that as mother’s I think we truly struggle with, taking time for ourselves, to take care of ourselves! We all know it’s important to take care of ourselves so that we can better take care of others. We’ve heard that statement probably a million times. Heck, I think we’ve even said it ourselves a million times; but that’s just it… saying it and actually putting it into practice are two entirely different things. It’s hard to take time for ourselves! Some days there just doesn’t seem like enough time in the day to get everything checked off the “to do” list let alone set aside time for personal care. The days seem to fly right by without warning. Yet, we know at the end of the day when our heads hit the pillow that we should have carved out just five minutes to do something just for us because we can feel that feeling creeping in. You know the one I’m talking about, that feeling of exhaustion or burn out or even lack of patience with those around us. At least that’s what happens to me when I don’t carve out time. I find that I start snapping at my son. I am quick tempered and my patience is the first thing to go!
This is why we need each other mamas! This is why finding yourself a tribe of moms that you can count on to surround you and lift you up is so important! We need to remind each other to do the things we need to do to stay on top of our game and one of those things is taking care of ourselves!
So what are some of things things that we can do this season when things are going to become so wonderfully and beautifully hectic to stay grounded?
I posed this question on my instagram this morning (give me a follow if you want to keep up with one crazy mama livin in Disney with a wild climbing boy, living barefoot and keepin it real drinking panera green tea all day every day) and I already received some wonderful comments! If you are on instagram you should absolutely check it out because these are some amazing mamas that are coming together to form a mom tribe of support and community, something we all need!
Here are some of the things that I’m hoping to do this season in both life and business!
What are some of the things that you are doing to take care of yourself during this holiday season???
Photo credit goes to the always amazing and talented Elizabeth Friske of Elizabeth Friske Photography in Virginia Beach! Linc was so little there compared to how he is now! I miss those days!