Okay Ya’ll… I know that title is NOT lady like! I know that I may have lost a friend or two BUT before you go, hear me out! (haha pun not intended)
It’s true, I’m obsessed and by the end of this post, you will be too I promise with the Poo… Poo-Pourri that is! This is perfect Monday morning conversation ya’ll!
It’s perfect in place of our weekend recap because I spent a lot of time dishing about it over the weekend in fact!
Have you heard about it yet?! I’m sure you have. It’s been all over Good House keeping, Glamour, The Huffington Post and even more.
I recently found it over Christmas in a store my mama and I love to shop in for little personal touch gifts. We were browsing with our arms filled to the brims with goodies galore! I stumbled up to the cash register to lay my items to rest so I could fill my arms with more sparkly coffee mugs, t-shirts and hand made ornaments when I noticed a scent that was delightfully different! It was subtle and nice and again a bit odd, not in a bad way odd just not a perfume and not a cologne. It wasn’t a candle or atomizer it was something that was entirely of it’s own character.
On a shelf next to the register I noticed all the little gems in spray form! “Spray before you go and no one will know!”
I gently chuckled to myself as I read all the names… “Call of the wild”, “Poo-la-la”, Trap a Crap” etc! My mama came over and we started laughing even harder with the ladies at the register but we began to take them pretty seriously as we noticed that they did smell rather nice. I picked up a couple (Call of the Wild and Poo-tonium) to shove in Tuck’s stocking stuffer as a little gag gift and didn’t really think anymore of it!
Fast forward a few months later and we have since purchased more bottles and more scents for every single bathroom in our house! This stuff is no joke and it’s amazing! I’m not kidding when I say we are crazily obsessed in this house! Gag gift or not, we adore it!
I just bought an extra bottle of the citrus for the whole family as a Valentines Day Gift! Nothing says I love you unconditionally than gifting for poop!
So, here’s the deal: I live with 2 boys and I will tell you the toddler is the worst one in the house. Thank goodness he has learned to spray 3 times before he hops up on the toilet and praise the Poo Pourri lady… our lives are changed for the good!!!
YOU CAN NOT SMELL A THING other than the beautiful scent of whatever all natural goodness flows from the spritzer in those bottles! It’s pure genius!
Here’s 3 Reasons why YOU will love it:
Seriously friends: Spritz, go, and no one will ever know!
This is a huge deal right now as we are showing our house! I kid you not, we have actually had comments on how nice our bathrooms smell!
OHH if only they knew! 🙂
It’s absolutely that easy! Spritz 2 to 4 times into the bowl before you go. Enjoy some alone time on the potty. Flush, and enjoy the beautiful aroma of the scent you chose! That’s all there is. The beauty of the spray is that it is completely all natural too, no harsh chemicals, no harsh alcohols, no parabens! We can feel good about allowing our 3 year old to use it!
There are several locations locally here in VB that sell P00-Pourri but honestly their website is genius! They even have little “get to know you” bottles and re-fillable bottles that you could keep in your purse! Although, don’t even put it past me to keep a bottle of this liquid gold in my purse for a public “emergency!” It’s THAT good and I’m terrified of public restrooms so if I feel comfortable, you know it’s just genius!
I’m dying to try to vanilla mint and ya’ll they have shoe-pourri!! Can we just put that in all of my toddler’s shoes right now?!!
So… the moral of this story is this is my favorite product right now and it is so amazing that it is probably saving relationships one bathroom at a time!
Poop might not be the most favored of blogging topics but everyone does it, it’s natural. So why not talk about the best thing that has happened to make this whole situation a million times better?!
Go check them out and get yourselves a bottle today! You can find them here!! It’s the best money you will have spent on your bathroom in a long long time!
By the way… this is totally NOT a sponsored post! I just love it that much and I know you will too! As mom’s we absolutely have to stick together! I have found that there is no other way to forge your bond as a mama on your side like no other than to talk about poop. It just happens and it seriously is the one way we can all relate and bond. I don’t know why that is, but it seems like (at least in my personal life) once you become a mom, there are no topics off limits and poo is just the one topic we can all bond over and totally laugh about! “Oh my gosh.. you experienced that with poop ME TOO, LOL oh my gosh your my new BFF for life”! Has that conversation ever happened to you? Or is that just me?!
This little spray is genius and if you have a potty training one in the house, oh my it’s lovely! Teach them to spritz and like I tell Linc your future wife will thank me! 😉
Tomorrow I will be back with my usual pretty images but I just wanted to share something with you that is super helpful; especially as a mama!
In the meantime… here’s my little one in all his goofy glory!
Spiderman here was waiting on some dinosaur eggs to hatch! It’s so hard waiting!
To keep up with all of our adventures, I hope you continue to follow us on our instagram: @kbrooketucker