WHEW ya’ll! I’m soo thankful that it’s Monday! Bet no one said that in the history of ever!
But I really am glad it’s Monday morning and I am able to sit down at MY desk in my very own home with my family and actually process everything that went into this brain of mine over the weekend!
My family is pretty amazing and after a whirlwind of planning and last minute details they just made it happen so that I could drive up to Lexington, Virginia and sit down with two extremely amazing and incredible individuals in the industry right now! Not only was I able to sit down with Justin and Mary Marantz for a one on one mentoring session that just blew me away ( more to come on that later) but I was also able to attend their incredible Lighting Intensive later that afternoon/evening!
I’m not sure how we all made it happen, but it did and I am incredibly thankful and overwhelmed and appreciative! Opportunities like these don’t just come along and the circumstances surrounding these, well it’s so hard to put into words to explain but it was more than just coincidence!
I can’t wait to share more with you about each of those two experiences and they both deserve a separate blog post, so be on the lookout for those very soon!
I made it back home on Friday afternoon and the entire drive home my mind was just buzzing! I knew I needed to sit down with my family and process. I needed to go over all of my notes and all of the great advice and support and action plans that were written down. We all needed to come together and we needed to process… all of us together! My family… the people who have been there with me and know the heart I have for my business and understand it the best!
FIRST… I needed to appreciate the weekend!
So we spent the weekend doing what we do best (as a family) just playing! So here’s what we did….in no particular order!
On a personal front… here are some things that I learned this weekend!
As I said before, I am really excited to sit down today and start the process of going over all my notes from my time with Justin and Mary! This weekend I reflected a lot with my family and with others that really know who I am and my heart for business! There is so much I need to process and I am still feeling overwhelmed! At the end of the day though, it is YOU who I want to make sure my focus is on and that I hold true to!
I want you to be a part of this process and so you can be sure that you will be included in all these processes and all this BIG things that are going to be on the horizon!
Check back for lots of updates and posts on all these good things!
In the meantime… thank you! Happy Monday!
Our Lighting Intensive was hosted by Buddy and Jill Powers at their amazing venue Big Spring Farms! It was gorgeous and we only saw a portion of it!