Cake smashing- it can be pretty serious business!
And this handsome little guy was all business about his cake! Cake is for eating… and eating was more than OK! Smashing on the other hand, well that’s just ridiculousness!
Meet James! He and Linc are buds! We’ve known James since he was teeny tiny and so this session was extra special for us!
It had been a few weeks since we last saw our friend James but it never fails to blow my mind just how much these little guys can change and grow in that short time span! James walked in (walked being the key word) and took over like he just owned this shoot! Which is did… in more ways than one 😉
He had some pretty fun balloons that the boys were just fascinated with and he had an awesome little adirondack chair! I mean this little guy was ready to rock this smash GQ style!

Thanks for coming to play and smash some cake Mr. James! Happy Birthday (belated) little man! Your laid back personality and serious curiosity light up the room!